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CBCP Disapproves Gay Turning Flores De Mayo Into Beauty Pageant

What are you talking about? This is the latest juice on social media , get this, this is something everyone should learn about now as this has been going on Twitter.com, Facebook.com and even Google Plus and news outlets recently.

As headlines now talk about cbcp gay flores de mayo.

And yes this is what they have been talking about, as with the subject the hashtag or main forcus of the story is, really I am so serious, this "transgender sexy"

It (my beloved saint) is kind of really surprising but it is what happens.

Trending topics did not circulate, great, until today

At least this is what the CBCP implied in its statement recently condemning the participation of the gays in Flored de Mayo also known as Santacruzan in the country.

The celebration, the church organization said, is a sacred and religious activity which paves the way for making offerings to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Thomas commented:

We should uphold the ten commandments of God in order for this country to stand the endtimes tribulations. Respect the person, but shun the sin.

Gay activities like beauty pageants is direct insult to God. If the Muslims have a high respect for their Allah, those who are Christians must show respect and honor due to God alone. Sodom and Gomorrah were two cities destroyed by God because of their crimes of immorality, murder and unjust evil had reached the heavens.

Gays are well respected for their talents, but sexual immorality should not be tolerated or condoned.

Deejay said:

As the entire world moves forward in utilizing intellect based on scientific and practical realities, here we are still stuck with age-old and fatalistic beliefs that hamper our maturity as members of the human species.

No thanks to the CBCP. they grip ever so tightly onto our psyches through scare tactics and threats. For these Padre Damasos, it is a sin to even use our own brains and think rationally for ourselves.

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What are you talking about? This is the latest juice on social media , get this, this is something everyone should learn about now as this has been going on Twitter.com, Facebook.com and even Google Plus and news outlets recently.

As headlines now talk about cbcp gay flores de mayo.

And yes this is what they have been talking about, as with the subject the hashtag or main forcus of the story is, really I am so serious, this "transgender sexy"

It (my beloved saint) is kind of really surprising but it is what happens.

Trending topics did not circulate, great, until today

At least this is what the CBCP implied in its statement recently condemning the participation of the gays in Flored de Mayo also known as Santacruzan in the country.

The celebration, the church organization said, is a sacred and religious activity which paves the way for making offerings to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Thomas commented:

We should uphold the ten commandments of God in order for this country to stand the endtimes tribulations. Respect the person, but shun the sin.

Gay activities like beauty pageants is direct insult to God. If the Muslims have a high respect for their Allah, those who are Christians must show respect and honor due to God alone. Sodom and Gomorrah were two cities destroyed by God because of their crimes of immorality, murder and unjust evil had reached the heavens.

Gays are well respected for their talents, but sexual immorality should not be tolerated or condoned.

Deejay said:

As the entire world moves forward in utilizing intellect based on scientific and practical realities, here we are still stuck with age-old and fatalistic beliefs that hamper our maturity as members of the human species.

No thanks to the CBCP. they grip ever so tightly onto our psyches through scare tactics and threats. For these Padre Damasos, it is a sin to even use our own brains and think rationally for ourselves.
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